Whenever working on computer boards, it is necessary to work with a sense of delicacy. These boards can be easily crushed or damaged if not careful. When working on these boards, it is common to need to have them elevated from the work surface. Rather than trying to hold them while working on them, you might want to use the
Panavise 396 vise. This and other products like it are available to you whenever you are visiting us at Kimco.
When you visit our online catalog, you will be able to find the Panavise 396 vise. This vise is perfect for holding boards with its neoprene jaws and its wide opening capabilities. The wide grip can even be reversed if you are looking to hold on to a cylindrical object instead of a flat board. The single knob allows you to have control over the angle of the head when moving in three different directions. The 90 degree tilt, along with the 360 degree rotation and the 360 degree turn allows you to move around your object while you are working on it. The base of the vise can accommodate all 300 series heads from PanaVise.
To find the Panavise 396 vise, you will only need to visit our Kimco online catalog. This and so much more is available through our online catalog. Simply browse through our selections to find exactly what you are looking for. We keep just about everything on our website in stock at all times. This allows you to get everything you need so you will be able to get even more of what you are looking for. Our quick order fulfillment means you will get your order shipped to you even faster. We look forward to receiving your order and shipping it to you right away.