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The Techspray 1610-G4 Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) - 99.8% pure anhydrous (containing the least amount of water possible and no denaturant) isopropyl alcohol is excellent for tape head cleaning, defluxing, stencil cleaning, light cleaning, and as a flux thinner. Avoid "bargain" alcohols for critical electronic cleaning. Cheap alcohols contain much more water, which slows drying and can cause oxidation, while "denatured" alcohol can leave a residue.
IMPORTANT CONDITION CONCERNING THIS PRODUCT: This product CAN NOT be shipped to a home address! If you place an order attempting to have this shipped to a home address, we will cancel and refund your order LESS the credit card processing fee.
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Just the facts for Techspray 1610-G4
- 99.8% pure IPA
- Does not contain denaturant (bitterant)
- Non-ozone depleting
- Ideal for electronic cleaning
- 1 gallon