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Uses and Applications of a Dry Storage Cabinet

If you frequently work with microelectronics, having a dry storage cabinet in your workplace can prevent possible defects due to contact with moisture. You might be wondering, however, whether purchasing one of these cabinets is the best and most cost-efficient solution to eliminating moisture and ensuring that your electronics remain in perfect condition. Today we’ll dive into the uses and applications of owning your own dry storage cabinet and why it could benefit you.

A dry storage cabinet uses a powerful dehumidifier that condenses the air and eliminates any moisture that could accumulate. The boxes contain a desiccant, or any substance that maintains a state of dryness, such as Silica Gel, Anhydrous Calcium Chloride or Calcium Sulphate. There are many other names synonymous with “dry storage cabinet” including dry box, dehumidifying cabinets, desiccators and low humidity storage. All refer to the same device which helps combat humidity issues with your equipment. Many dry storage cabinets also come with storage bins, glass windows, adjustable shelves and LED controls with temperature and humidity indicators, depending on the model.

Dry storage cabinets are made specifically for moisture sensitive components including, but not limited to PCBs, cameras, lenses, batteries, sensors, photographs, paintings and musical instruments. They maintain an internal environment of 1-50% RH depending on which type of products you choose to store and insure that they remain safe and dry. Without the assistance of a dry cabinet, your sensitive components could become damaged or destroyed if too much humidity permeates their surface.

The main alternative to purchasing a dry storage cabinet is using a moisture barrier bag to protect against damage. While bags are cheaper up front, continuing the supply over time would eventually cost more than a dry storage cabinet. With cabinets, your items can be placed directly onto the shelves without having to be placed in a bag first. This will end up saving you a considerable amount of labor and time. Additionally, there are risks associated with using moisture barrier bags. Improper sealing, punctures and the possibility of using an incorrect amount of desiccant could result in issues and damages to your equipment. Lastly, the cabinets require little to no maintenance and the desiccant typically lasts for 10 years or more without having to be replaced, whereas with moisture barrier bags, you will need to purchase new desiccants much more often.

GoKimco is a proud seller of several different dry cabinets made by Dr. Storage. Dr. Storage is one of the best manufacturers of dry cabinets on the market. Many major technology companies including Apple, Sony, IBM, Philips and Panasonic use Dr. Storage as their supplier of dry storage cabinets. On the GoKimco website, you can find Dr. Storage cabinets that range in capacity from 126L to 1250L depending on the size and amount of storage you need.

Dr. Storage F1-1200-6

Today we’re highlighting the Dr. Storage F1-1200-6 Ultra Low Humidity Dry Cabinet with 1250L Capacity. This large unit consists of 5 shelves, airtight magnetic sealers, antistatic glass and compression handles. Four antistatic wheels create an ease of mobility while a calibration expiration reminder will prompt you when the cabinet needs recalibrating. Most importantly, this dry storage cabinet as well as all cabinets that Dr. Storage offers meets the regulation of STD-033B. Click here to see a list of all the Dr. Storage models currently available for purchase.

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