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    Keep Consumers Safe with Brady Sl-13 Static Awareness Labels

    Safety in the workplace, and for consumers, is something that no company can take for granted. It doesn't matter if the business is run out of a basement for part time income, or a large corporation with millions in profits, when it comes to electronics you can not be too safe. The Brady SL-13 Awareness Labels can help keep consumers, and repairmen, aware of static electricity and shock and are a vital component to many electrical devices today. Electrostatic discharge, or ESD, is a very common occurrence within electrical devices that carry circuit boards, and micro chips. They reason is that they build up a lot of charge within the component itself that can be discharged through contact with tools or other items. Labeling a device with a Brady SL-13 awareness label will let the person handling the device about the possibility of ESD. With this warning, repairmen, assemblers, and hobbyists can then use ESD safe tools and handling materials when coming into contact with this type of component. The Brady SL-13 labels conform to Military Standard 129J and EIA (Electronics Industries Association) Standard 471. They are 0.500" x 0.500" (12.70 mm x 12.70 mm) in dimension and come to 54 labels to a card. Kimco carries the Brady line of safety products, labels, and printers as they are recognized as an authority and leader within the industry. Check out the Kimco.com website today for the Brady SL-13 awareness labels and other Brady products today. You will see that our prices are lower than our competitors and our shipping is fast.
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