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YIKES!!! Sale Ending Soon - Free shipping on SimcoION , Weller Tips and QRP Gloves

March is half over but Kimco has still got a lion of a deal for you. Like free shipping? Who doesn't? Well, until the end of the month we are offering a great deal here on the site. Lots of great products in our catalog are going to be included in this excellent deal so read on to find out about the potential savings you can keep in your wallet by picking up the supplies your crew is going to need anyway, right now!

Now hear this: Weller Solder Tips, SIMCO Ion units and select QRP Gloves will receive free shipping until the end of the month. That can lead to big savings. Temperatures are warming up and the economic numbers are signaling a recovery. Save money on shipping now, save time later when you do not have to stop the job to pick up extra supplies for the crew.

These are tools and components your guys need and are going to be using this coming season anyway. Keep a few dollars in the company coffers by picking up Weller Solder Tips, SIMCO Ion units, and select QRP gloves now and we will ship them straight to your offices free of charge. That's no extra cost to you! No sending a gopher to pick up supplies and the nearest supply store, which could be miles away and costly hours of time. We will keep you stocked without a trip to the store.

Check out our inventory to match up what we carry with your needs today. This deal is only for a limited time so be sure to jump on it to take advantage of this money saving opportunity before the chance is gone. We will keep your shelves stocked for less.

Next article A Guide to Weller's Screwdriver Soldering Tips