Whenever you are working with electronics, there is always the possibility that you will get shocked. There is also the possibility that the static that you create will short out the circuitry of the panels you are working on. This is the reason why it is important that you will be able to get the most out of the things you are using to move and handle all boards you are working with. At Kimco, we provide you with the best
ESD/Anti-static Gloves & Finger Cots that you can use to protect yourself as well as the boards you are working on.
We offer all of the different varieties that you can choose from including full gloves which will allow you to have complete protection. We even have models which will maintain a constant ground rather than having to worry about you being the ground. This will allow you to be able to easily get the protection you will need no matter what you are working on.
We invite you to look at the complete Kimco catalog to see exactly what it is that you want to purchase. We are proud to carry a large stock of everything that you are looking for. This will help to make sure that you will be able to get everything that you are looking for delivered right to your doorstep. We look forward to filling your next order as soon as possible.