by Brady
SKU B-M21-375-423
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The Brady M21-375-423 Printer Cartridge White Labels are polyester labels.
Just the facts for M21-375-423
- Application(s): Asset Tracking, Barcoding, Component ID, Desi-Strip Inserts, Equipment ID, General ID, General Identification, General Purpose ID, Location ID, Outlet/Jack ID, Patch Panel, Patch Panel - ID Port, Plate, Rating Plates
- Size: 0.375" W x 21' H (9.530 mm W x 6.400 m H)
- Printable Area: 0.375" W x 21' H (9.530 mm W x 6.400 m H)
- Label Type/Style: Label
- Color: Black on White
- Finish: Gloss
- Qty Per Row: 1
- Material Type: Polyester
- Material Description: Permanent Polyester
- Brady Material #: B-423
- Environment: Autoclave, Freezer
- Printer Compatibility: BMP21, BMP21-LAB, BMP21-PLUS, ID PAL, LABPAL
- Surface: Smooth
- RoHS Compatibility: Pass 2011/65/EU
- QTY/UOM: 1/Cartridge