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SKU D-19239

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Features of the Desco 19239 Mini Continuous Monitor:

  • Single Workstation Continuous Monitor
    Continuously monitors the path-to-ground integrity of one operator and one ESD worksurface

  • IMPROVED Operator Alarm
    Alarms when the operator unintentionally disconnects from the monitor or the connection between the banana plug and monitor’s jack is intermittent

  • Desco Wave Distortion Technology
    Provides stable continuous monitoring (versus pulsed or intermittent) of the wrist strap’s path-to-ground* and the presence of its 1 megohm safety resistor

  • Park Snap
    Allows the operator to disconnect (and park) a wrist strap when leaving the workstation without creating a false alarm

  • Single-Wire Impedance Design
    Meets ANSI/ESD S20.20 in accordance with ESD TR1.0-01-0

  • 1.2 Volt Operator Test Voltage
    Reduces the risk of electrical overstress (EOS) for the handling of sensitive components

  • <50 Millisecond Alarm Response Time
    Identifies failures and intermittencies that inferior technologies miss

  • Continuous Visual and Audible Alarms
    Illuminates green to indicate proper grounding; illuminates red and sounds audible alarm when intermittent or failed connection occurs

  • Calibration Verification
    Use the Desco 98220 Monitor Calibration Unit to check the test limits of Wave Distortion Monitors without removing them from their workstations

  • NIST Calibrated with Certificate Included
    Calibrated with accepted procedures and standards traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. For more information on the calibration of Desco products, see Calibration.

  • 100-240VAC Power Adapter with North American Plug
    Works with standard electrical systems in North America, Japan and Asia

  • Made in the United States of America

  • Suggested replacement for the Desco 19242

*The ESDA Wrist Strap standard is ANSI/ESD S1.1. The Wrist Strap System required limit per ANSI/ESD S20.20 Table 3 is 0.8 to 1.2 x 106 ohms with product qualification testing per ANSI/ESD S1.1. Test the range of the monitored circuit is 500 kilohms to 10 megohms.
