When working with items that are tricky to keep balanced, there may be concerns over whether they will fall out of a vise. Maintaining the weight balance is easier to do whenever using a
Panavise 376 self centering vise. This vise will allow you to easily maintain the center of gravity without having to take any kinds of calculations. Simply connect the vise and it will do all of the work for you. You will be able to find this and many other great products like it on our Kimco online catalog.
The Panavise 376 Self-Centering, Extra Wide Opening Head Vise has the ability to close form both sides. The extra-wide grip maintains even heavy loads directly over the center of the vise to maintain better control. Elliptical objects can easily be held down with the wide “V” that the grip produces. Reversible grips allows for a 0 inch closure. Eyes are set at ease thanks to the black oxide coating which is on the grips for the vise. The head can sit on all bases which accept a 300 series PanaVise head. 11.5 inch long head and 5.25 inch height of shaft gives the height needed for most projects.
You will be able to find the Panavise 376 self centering vise along with many other items whenever you are visiting our Kimco online catalog. We work hard to make sure you will get your order quickly. This is why we maintain a stock on all products you see on the website. We can help you to get exactly what you are ordering right away. So, whether you are looking for vises or soldering equipment, we have exactly what you are looking for. We look forward to filling your order today and your orders in the future.