When it comes to keeping your electronic gear, chemicals, and laboratory equipment safe it is important to have them clearly labeled. With a bright, appropriately positioned, label you can rest assured that your handling, and storage, of components and chemicals is up to code. With
Brady Printers, Brady Label Makers you have all you need to professionally mark components and storage items easily.
An industry that can benefit greatly from Brady Printers and Brady Label Makers is appliance repair. With the storage of many parts, having to mark electrical wires, and working from circuit documents repairman must have a good way of easily marking wires and parts. Another enterprise is electrical component assembly plants where the need for quality control is to the utmost importance.
Brady printers like the BMP21 Portable Label Printer (pictured) are very useful for voice/data comm, electrical and general industrial crews. With label materials designed specifically for harsh environments, the BMP21 portable printer can quickly and easily create clear, legible labels that stick for years - despite extreme temperatures and curved or highly textured surfaces.
The Brady TLS PC Link Thermal Labeling System is a rugged, small and lightweight desktop/portable solution. The printer provides capabilities such as thermal transfer printing, bar coding, and multiple material configurations. Great for labeling electrical components in a safe way.
Kimco carries these, plus many more, at our online catalog. There you will find incredible deals on Brady printers, label makers, labels, and other clean room materials and supplies. We offer great industry pricing as well as fast shipping around the country. Check out our extensive line up of tools and supplies today for the best deals.