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SMT Cleaning Wipes Make Every Cleaning Job a Breeze

Within any industrial environment there is the need to keep things clean and working properly. Where there are electrical products, flux dust, and epoxies within the workplace there must also be cleaning wipes that can take care of spills, mistakes, and general cleaning of parts within close proximity. SMT cleaning wipes are created to be in the workplace and take care of delicate parts, pieces and products with a specially formulated blend of aliphatic hydrocarbons, orange terpenes, and linear alcohols. These formulas are refined and blended to offer superior performance in a wide range of different applications. With these SMT cleaning wipes and smartwipes, users can clean up stencil misprints, remove epoxy and flux residue as well as acrylic and silicone coatings and tapes. We have all seen it happen. A mishap in the production line, or a mistake made within the finish room. No matter where the problem is, smart wipes are specially created for such instances. These electronic wipes are also delicate enough to be used on electrical panels, boards, and areas where the need to remove solder and flux is desired. You can browse through a selection of SMT cleaning wipes at our Kimco online catalog. Available from our selection are electronic smart wipes, workroom cleaning wipes, and even hand wipes that take the place of isopropanol cleaning products that can damage skin. We also carry an ultraclean Cleanroom wipes that come in 850 bulk. Prices range $22.00 for the JNJ SW100BIO Bioact SC-10 Electronics Cleaning SmartWipes to $29.84 for the JNJ 401 UnderStencil Cleanroom Wipes. All of our purchases are backed by our guarantee and fast shipping directly to your workplace door.
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